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civilian aircraft call signs

Civilian Aircraft Call Signs - A Van RV-7 aircraft showing the G-KELS registration. The prefix G denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom.

An aircraft registration is a code unique to a single aircraft that, according to an international consortium, must be marked on the outside of every civil aircraft. The registration identifies the country where the aircraft was registered and works like a car plate or boat registration. This code must also be included in the Certificate of Registration issued by the relevant civil aviation agency (CAA). An aircraft may only have one registration in a jurisdiction, but this may change over the lifetime of the aircraft.

Civilian Aircraft Call Signs

Civilian Aircraft Call Signs

According to the International Civil Aviation Convention (also known as the Chicago Convention), all civil aircraft must be registered with the civil aviation authority (CAA) using procedures established by each country. All countries, including those that are not part of the Chicago Agreement, have an NAA.

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Its duties include the registration of civil aircraft. An aircraft may be registered in a jurisdiction only once at a time. To identify the aircraft, the NAA allocates a unique alphanumeric sequence that also identifies its nationality (ie country of registration).

) and provides a legal document called the Certificate of Registration, one of the documents that must be carried while the aircraft is in operation.

Most countries also require the registration identifier to be printed on a permanent fuselage mounted fireproof plate in the event of an aircraft accident investigation following a fire/accident.

Most military aircraft are not assigned civilian registration codes. However, civil registries are assigned to non-military government-owned civil aircraft (for example, United States Department of Homeland Security aircraft).

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While each aircraft registration identifier is unique, some countries allow it to be reused when the aircraft is sold, destroyed or decommissioned. For example, N3794N is assigned to the Mooney M20F.

He was previously assigned to Beechcraft's Bonanza (specifically the plane on which Buddy Holly was killed). Different registrations can be assigned to each aircraft during its existence. This may be because the aircraft has changed ownership, its registration authority, or in some cases for vain reasons.

Typically, aircraft are registered in the carrier's jurisdiction or jurisdiction and may enjoy the appropriate rights or privileges as a flag carrier for international operations.

Civilian Aircraft Call Signs

Carriers in emerging markets may be required to register aircraft in offshore jurisdictions where they are financed by banks but leased or purchased at major onshore financial centres. The funder may be reluctant to allow the aircraft to be registered in the carrier's home country (either because it does not have adequate regulations regarding civil aviation or because it feels that that country's courts cannot fully cooperate if it has to enforce any aircraft-related Security interests) and the carrier is willing to register the aircraft in the jurisdiction of the financier (United States or generally the United Kingdom) for personal or political reasons or for fear of fraudulent trial and arrest. aeroplane.

Information In English

The first use of aircraft recordings was based on the radio callsigns assigned at the London International Radio Conference in 1913. It was a one-letter prefix followed by four more letters (like A-BCDE).

Major countries operating aircraft were given a one-letter prefix. Smaller countries had to share a single letter prefix, but special use was given to the first letter of the suffix.

This was changed by agreement with the International Bureau in Bern and was published on 23 April 1913. Although the initial allocation was for any radio user, not specifically aviation, to make the International Convention on Air Navigation (Paris Convtion 1919), held in Paris in 1919. Allocated specifically for aircraft registration, based on the 1913 list of call signs, the Treaty stipulated that nationality symbols should be followed by a four-letter hyphen, which must contain a vowel (and by convention, Y was considered a vowel). This system worked until the revised system was adopted in 1928.

In 1927, the International Radiotelegraph Transformation in Washington revised its list of signals. These have been adopted since 1928 and are the basis of charts currently in use. The markings have been modified and added over the years, and since 1947 rates and standards have been regulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

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Article 20 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), signed in 1944, requires all aircraft carried in international air navigation to bear the relevant nationality and national registration marks. Once the necessary procedures have been completed, the aircraft will receive its special "registration" which must be prominently displayed on it.

Annex 7 to the Chicago Convention explains the definitions, conditions, and measurement of citizenship and registration marks. Aircraft registration consists of a prefix selected from the callsign prefix of the country assigned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (registration makes a quick way to verify the country of origin) and the registration suffix. Depending on the country of registration, this suffix is ​​a numeric or alphanumeric code and consists of one to five characters. An appendix in Annex 7 contains an updated list of approved nationalities and common symbols used by different countries.

Air France Airbus A318 showing F-GUGJ registration on wing surface and GJ, last two letters of registration on nose wheel doors

Civilian Aircraft Call Signs

While the Chicago convention defines country-specific prefixes used in registration marks and the way they are used in international civil aviation and displayed on aircraft, individual countries also make further preparations for the formats and use of registration marks. . International flights.

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The body of the aircraft is written Wh, the prefix and suffix are usually separated by a dash (for example, YR-BMA). A hyphen is omitted in a flight plan (for example, YRBMA). In some countries that use number suffixes instead of letters, such as the United States (N), South Korea (HL), and Japan (JA), the prefix and suffix are combined without a hyphen. Aircraft flying privately often use registration as a radio callsign, but many aircraft flying in commercial operations (especially charters, cargo and airlines) use an ICAO flight identifier or company callsign.

Some countries allow aircraft that do not fly into another country's airspace to display their registration with the country prefix removed - for example, gliders registered in Australia often simply do not display the special three-letter sign without the national prefix "VH-".

Some countries also apply a separate registration system or use a separate set of special markings for gliders, ultralights and/or other less common types of aircraft. For example, Germany and Switzerland both use letter suffixes (in the form of D-xxxx and HB-xxx respectively) for most aircraft types, but numbers (D-nnnn and HB-nnn) for non-electric gliders. Many other countries register gliders in subgroups beginning with the letter G, such as LN-Gxx in Norway and ZK-Gxx in New Zealand.

In the United States, the registration number is often referred to as the "N" number because all aircraft registered there have a number that begins with the letter N. Due to the large number of aircraft registered in the United States, an alphanumeric system is used. An N number starts with one or more numeric digits, d can be one or two alphabetic letters, only one to five characters in total, and must start with a non-zero number. In addition, the numbers N may not contain the letters I or O, as they are similar to the numbers 1 and 0.

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Each alphabetic letter in the suffix can have one of 24 distinct values, and each numeric digit can be one of 10, except the first, which can only take one of the nine values. This gives 915,399 possible registration numbers in the name range, although some combinations are reserved for either government use or other private purposes.

An older aircraft (registered before 31 December 1948) may have a second letter in the identifier to indicate the aircraft's category. This additional letter is not actually part of the aircraft designation (eg NC12345 has the same entry as N12345). Aircraft category letters have not been included in registration numbers issued since 1 January 1949, but still appear on older aircraft for authorization purposes. The categories were:

For example, by Charles Lindbergh in St. The Ryan NYP aircraft N-X-211, flown as the Spirit of St. Louis, was registered in the experimental category.

Civilian Aircraft Call Signs

In the United States, there is special overlap with aircraft that have two letters followed by a number and a radio callsign given by the Federal Communications Commission to Amateur Radio operators with the Amateur Extra dictionary class. For example, N4YZ is, on the one hand, a Cessna 206 registered to a private person in Melba, Idaho, and on the other hand, it is assigned to an Amateur Radio operator in North Carolina.

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Since an aircraft registration number is also used as a callsign, this means that two unrelated radio stations can have the same callsign.

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